How Does Vitamin K2 Really Work

How Does Vitamin K2 Really Work

Lara Morgan Lee, MD

Lara Morgan Lee, MD

Lara Morgan Lee, MD is a board-certified internist and sports medicine physician. She’s a former team physician for professional athletes and currently a CEO and founder of two companies. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from the University of Evansville and a Medical Degree (MD) from Indiana University

The Unsung Hero of Calcium Regulation

We’ve all heard about calcium and its role in bone health, but did you know there’s another crucial vitamin that ensures calcium is directed to the right places? That vitamin is Vitamin K2.

How Vitamin K2 Works

Directing Calcium Where It Belongs

When we ingest calcium, our goal is to make sure it reaches the bones and does not accumulate in the arteries. This is where Vitamin K2 plays a key role—it acts as a guide, ensuring calcium is properly deposited in bones rather than building up in blood vessels.

The Role of Osteocalcin and Gla Protein

Vitamin K2 activates osteocalcin, a protein responsible for binding calcium and placing it in the bones where it strengthens skeletal structure. Additionally, Vitamin K2 activates Gla protein, which works to prevent calcium from settling in the arteries. This is crucial because calcium buildup in arteries can lead to plaque formation, increasing the risk of cardiovascular issues.

Why Vitamin K2 Matters

In simple terms, Vitamin K2 acts as a key player in directing calcium to the right places—it ensures strong bones and a healthy cardiovascular system. Much like a behind-the-scenes director, Vitamin K2 orchestrates calcium’s movement, optimizing overall body function.

Optimizing Calcium for Better Health

Vitamin K2 is an essential supplement for making sure calcium supports bone health while preventing harmful buildup in arteries. Ensuring adequate Vitamin K2 intake can contribute to better bone density and cardiovascular well-being.

  1. Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a healthcare professional before making changes to your diet or supplement routine. 


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